Volunteer with elephants in Botswana

Volunteering with Animals in Botswana for Over 50s

Help protect wildlife in the wild heart of the African bush

Auf einen Blick

  • Live on a beautiful wildlife conservation reserve, close to the Limpopo River
  • Join efforts to help protect vulnerable species, including elephants, lions, and giraffes
  • Work directly with conservation experts and fellow wildlife volunteers
  • Immerse yourself in Botswana's incredible rural culture


Termine während des Jahres

Zu den Daten

Minimale Aufenthaltslänge: 

Zwei Wochen


50 oder mehr

Is Wildlife Conservation in Botswana right for me?

Do you dream of seeing the world's most spectacular scenery? Do you want to spend your days volunteering with wildlife? If you're over 50 and answered yes, then volunteering with animals in Botswana is for you!

Imagine living deep in the heart of the African wilderness, surrounded by the sounds of nature. 

You don't need any experience to join this project as an older volunteer. Conservation workers will guide your journey, helping you spot and protect endangered animals in Botswana.

We've designed this project for over 50s. You'll follow a structured itinerary with set activities. Staff will be on hand to help and support you, 24/7. They can also recommend trips if you'd like to explore beyond the reserve.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to immerse yourself in Botswana's wilderness. There are few things more rewarding than staying in stunning surroundings while helping to protect vulnerable animals.

Volunteer with animals in Botswana, including lions

Maintain waterholes and dams

Botswana’s national motto of Pula! (let there be rain) reveals just how much water means to the country’s people and wildlife. Water is the source of all life, but it is often scarce in Botswana.

You’ll help by drilling boreholes, repairing water tanks, building dams, and digging waterholes. These will collect water during the wet season and store it to keep animals hydrated during the dry season.

As a Wildlife Conservation volunteer in Botswana, you'll be helping animals survive droughts by providing life-saving water.

Track and survey wildlife

Botswana is home to a large and diverse range of animals. The most exciting part of travelling to Africa as an older volunteer is spotting these creatures in their natural habitat. Along with conservation guides, you'll venture out into Botswana’s wilderness to spot some of the country's amazing animals.

Look out for Africa’s greatest wildlife, including lions, leopards, and elephants.

By tracking their movements, you'll help conservation workers monitor their populations. This helps them detect the most endangered species and form action plans to protect them.

This is more than a safari: your work as an animal conservation volunteer will contribute to the protection of keystone species. These are the species that have a large effect on their ecosystem, meaning their survival is essential for other animals in the region.

Join anti-poaching patrols

Our volunteer programmes analyse and attempt to redress global issues. In Botswana, illegal poaching for bush meat is a widespread problem. Through this conservation volunteer opportunity for older adults, you will become part of the solution.

You'll spend some of your time in Botswana on anti-poaching patrols. Along with other wildlife volunteers and staff, you'll find and remove snares. Over the course of your project, this could save hundreds of lives.

Set up camera traps

Many animals are active at night and wary of humans. The best way to monitor wildlife is through the use of camera traps. You’ll install these camera traps in key locations and collect the footage. This will allow you to observe animals without disturbing them.

This footage will be passed on to local conservation workers so that they can better understand animal movements and behaviour.

Where in Botswana will I work?

The Tuli Block

Located on the banks of the Limpopo River, you’ll find yourself in the very heart of the Botswanan bush. You’ll live on a reserve in Tuli, the wild home of elephants, zebra, crocodiles, hyenas, and more.

This reserve spans over 20,000 hectares of vast and unspoiled land. Prepare to explore the untamed African wilderness.

In the evenings, you can connect with staff and fellow travellers around the campfire. You can also explore beyond the campsite with the guidance of local staff.

Flughafentransfer, flüge und visa

Nach deiner Ankunft an dem betreffenden Flughafen wirst du von Projects Abroad Mitarbeiter/innen abgeholt. Du findest genauere Informationen zu den Ankunftsflughäfen, der Orientierungsveranstaltung, und Visabestimmungen auf unserer Seite mit Informationen zur Ankunft in Botswana.

What are the aims of Wildlife Conservation for over 50s in Botswana?

The aim of this project is to preserve the ecological wellbeing of the area and ensure the survival of precious wildlife species. In particular, you’ll monitor keystone species like elephants, leopards, and hyenas.

Over the last few years, wildlife populations in Tuli have decreased. This is largely due to growing human activity in the region. Increases in illegal hunting and poaching, as well as land degradation, have also contributed.

As an older volunteer, your research, construction work, and anti-poaching initiatives will help protect and preserve local wildlife.

The ultimate goal of Wildlife Conservation in Botswana is to create a conservation area protected by law. We are working on this with other game reserves and national parks in the area.

A Wildlife volunteer in Botswana

Management pläne

Wir setzen die Ziele und Absichten unserer Projekte in Dokumenten fest, die sich Management Plans nennen. Wir nutzen diese, um deine Arbeit ordentlich zu planen. Die Dokumente helfen uns auch dabei, unsere

Leistung und Wirkung jedes Jahr zu evaluieren. Letztendlich helfen uns die Management Plans dabei, unsere Projekte immer besser zu organisieren. Dadurch kannst du einen Beitrag zu Arbeit leisten, die wirklich einen Unterschied macht, da wo es gebraucht wird. Lies mehr über unsere Management Plans.

Das Ausmaß unserer Wirkung

In unseren Projekte arbeiten wir auf klare, langfristige Ziele hin, und verfolgen spezifische, jährliche Ziele. Jede/r Freiwillige/r und jede/r Praktikant/in, die wir in diese Projekte entsenden, tragen zu der Verfolgung dieser Ziele bei, unabhängig davon wieviel Zeit sie in den Projekten verbringen.

Jedes Jahr betrachten wir mit etwas Abstand die Fortschritte, die wir zum Erreichen dieser Ziele gemacht haben. Wir stellen einen Global Impact Report zusammen, in dem unsere Errungenschaften dokumentiert werden. Erfahre mehr über die Wirkung, die unsere globale Gemeinschaft von Freiwilligen, Praktikant/innen und Mitarbeiter/innen erzielen, und lies dir den neuesten Report durch. 

Food and accommodation


Where you’ll stay: For an off-the-beaten-track adventure, you’ll stay in a shared tent at our Tuli base camp. Prepare to experience the thrill of camping in the African bushveld. The campsite is within walking distance of your placement.

Comfort level: Embrace modest, simple living. The campsite is clean with hot showers and electricity from solar-powered charging stations. There’s no Wi-Fi, so connect with nature and your fellow travellers instead!

Who you’ll live with: You’ll share your tent with other Wildlife Conservation volunteers. By sharing with like-minded travellers, you can bond over your passion for wildlife and form friendships during social activities.

Learn more about our accommodation.


Daily meals: Your programme fee includes three meals a day. Out in the bushveld, you can expect basic but satisfying dishes. Be sure to eat enough because you’ll need your energy to explore this vast and rugged landscape.

Dietary requirements: Local staff can cater to a wide range of dietary preferences. We can provide vegetarian, vegan, and halal food. We’ll do our best to ensure you have a wide variety of delicious food, no matter what diet you follow.

Botswanan cuisine: You’ll eat like a local as you sample traditional food from Botswana. The national dish of Botswana is Seswaa. This beef stew uses every part of the cow, ensuring that nothing goes to waste. Cooked low and slow, it gets maximum flavour from the cheapest cuts, making it perfect for celebrations. Staple foods include maize, rice, and porridge.

Sicherheit und unterstützung durch unsere mitarbeiter/innen

Deine Sicherheit ist unser wichtigstes Anliegen. Wir wenden viele Vorgehensweisen und Systeme an, um sicherzustellen, dass du die nötige Unterstützung bekommst und deine Reise unbesorgt genießen kannst. Unsere Projects Abroad Mitarbeiter/innen stehen dir rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung, und sorgen dafür, dass du dich in deiner Unterkunft und in deinem Projekt gut einlebst. Falls du irgendwelche Probleme haben solltest, helfen sie dir jederzeit. 

Erfahre mehr über Sicherheit und Unterstützung. 

Wenn du dich anmeldest, zahlst du nur 295€, was dann vom Gesamtpreis abgezogen wird. Flexible Zahlungsmethoden und fundraising-Ratschläge erhältlich.

Möchtest du mehr als ein Projekt machen? Dann rufe uns unter +49 3076758685 an und wir schauen ob wir dir einen Rabatt anbieten können. an und wir schauen ob wir dir einen Rabatt anbieten können.

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